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  • How much is Testosterone Treatment?
    Testosterone Therapy $125 per month (min purchase 2.5 month supply).
  • How do I get started?
    Call us to schedule your initial appointment for your lab work & exam. Once the doctor reviews your labs, medical history forms, exam notes and approves you, you are Clear for Year!
  • Do I have to do an anti-estrogen with Testosterone?
    The doctor normally will recommend it once to twice per week to prevent any side effects. Initially if your levels are not high and you want to go with out them it would be up to you if you wanted to add them or pass. However if we do a f/u test and your total estrogens are too high, at the point the doctor would make it mandatory until its back under control, excess estrogen can be detrimental to your health if your body is not metabolizing it our of your system. High estradiol levels in men can result in increased proliferation of the prostate gland and a condition called prostatic hypertrophy or “enlarged prostate”. High estrogen levels have been associated with myocardial infarction. This causes difficulties in urination. This becomes more prominent as men grow older.
  • Do you have HCG?
    Yes, we do offer HCG. Human Chorionic Gonadatropin (HCG) is very important to take during a Testosterone program and especially in coming off. There was a reclassification of the product to a biologic drug so a lot of people were unable to get it as not many compounding pharmacies have the biologic license to compound it. Because of this we use brand name only which will be Pregnyl (HCG).
  • How long does it take to see results from Testosterone?
    Results vary, but many individuals start to notice improvements in symptoms within a few weeks to months after starting TRT. In the first 2 weeks most guys report better sense of well being, better mood, increased energy, improved libido & drive start to ramp up. Normally the testosterone will take at least 4-weeks to start seeing the anabolic benefits such as strength and lean muscle mass as it has a loading phase similar to that of creatine.
  • What forms does Testosterone come in?
    TRT can be administered through injections, patches, gels, pellets, or oral tablets. The choice of treatment depends on individual needs and preferences. Most men do the injectable as it is the most convenient and controllable route. The injectable is normally administered once or twice per week. The creams have to be applied daily. The Creams are great to take with you on a trip or vacation as its easier to travel with.
  • What are the side effects of Testosterone?
    When monitored by a healthcare professional, TRT is generally safe. However, it may have potential risks and side effects, such as acne, fluid retention, sleep apnea, hair loss , testicular atrophy and increased red blood cell count. As long as you do the recommended protocol the doctor recommends you'll get all the benefits without any of the unwanted side effects. We also prescribe an anti estrogen to prevent the estrogenic side effect of nipple sensitivity, moodiness , Irritability. and water retention. We'll also provide you with a phlebotomy script to do a blood discard or donation if needed. This will insure your Hemaglobin, Hematocrit and RBC's stay within the healthy reference range. We don't want them too high or too low as that would be detrimental as well if they get too low. Levels too low will indicate anemia and you'll have a lot of tiredness and fatigue. Doing medicinal doses will prevent high levels of testosterone converting into DHT which is the hair loss hormone. Some patients may do a dht blocker to thicken hair and block hair loss from the TRT. We also offer other hair loss foams with hair growing and regeneration properties to it. You will also prevent acne by not doing to high of doses as DHT causes acne as well. The sleep apnea side effect happens but very rarely do we run in to that. Maybe 1 out of 1,000 patients. Regarding the testicular atrophy, we prescribe HCG to prevent this from happening. If you have any other concerns or questions. Please give us a call. We'll be glad to help!
  • What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?
    TRT is a medical treatment that involves supplementing or replacing testosterone in individuals with low levels of this hormone. Testosterone is the Main hormone in males and produced in women as well but at a much lower level. Most patients report better mood, drive, libido, strength, body composition, sleep and recovery.
  • What are the common symptoms of low testosterone?
    Common symptoms include fatigue, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, mood swings, reduced muscle mass, increased body fat, and diminished cognitive function.
  • What causes low testosterone?
    Low testosterone can be caused by aging, certain medical conditions, hormonal disorders, obesity, stress, or medication side effects.
  • Can TRT increase muscle mass and strength?
    TRT can lead to increased muscle mass and strength when combined with regular exercise and a proper diet.
  • Can TRT cause infertility?
    TRT may reduce sperm production and fertility. If fertility preservation is a concern, alternative treatments or strategies can be discussed with a healthcare provider.
  • Can women do Testosterone?
    TRT is primarily used to treat low testosterone in men. However, it may also be prescribed to women as well. Women usually do a bio identical testosterone cream daily. Women report having way more libido, strength, drive for life, recovery and it really tones them up. The idea is to replenish what you once had in your reproductive years, your prime.
  • Can TRT increase the risk of prostate cancer?
    Current research suggests that TRT does not increase the risk of prostate cancer in men with normal prostate health. Fuel for existing prostate cancer Testosterone does not cause prostate cancer, but it can fuel prostate cancer that already exists. Biologically, there is a difference between initiating cancer vs. promoting cancer once it has already started. However, it is essential to undergo regular prostate health screenings.
  • Is TRT a lifelong treatment?
    For most of our patients TRT is a lifestyle and taken year around without coming off. Studies show that optimal testosterone levels are healthier compared to lower levels. If you do not abuse testosterone you can do it long term without cycling on and off and stay healthy as can be. However, the duration of therapy depends on individual needs, goals, and the underlying cause of low testosterone. Some men who may be younger , in their 30's or 40's may want to still have babies. In these cases we'll cycle on & off with them to preserve their natural sperm production.
  • Can TRT help with depression?
    TRT may help alleviate symptoms of depression in individuals with low testosterone. Testosterone has been shown in studies to improve mood, sense of well being, dopamine and Testosterone also lowers the stress hormone cortisol. Most patients report things don't bother them as much on TRT and they have a much better attitude and zest for life. However, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and treatment plan.
  • Are there any alternatives to TRT for increasing testosterone levels?
    Lifestyle modifications, such as regular exercise, healthy diet, stress management, and adequate sleep, can help optimize testosterone levels naturally. However, in some cases, TRT may be necessary.
  • Is TRT covered by insurance?
    Unfortunately we do not take insurance for any treatments at this time as they consider our anti aging & regenerative therapy protocols an elective therapy. Most patients that get insurance to cover Testosterone with a primary physician they normally become disappointed as the dosing and frequencies are inadequate at best compared to our protocols. In some cases some patients maybe getting it covered and are happy with the dosing with their doctor. In this situation you can still use us for other treatments to add on to enhance your overall HRT benefits.
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