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Oxytocin and Tadalafil are two distinct medications that serve different purposes. Oxytocin is a hormone primarily involved in social bonding and childbirth, while Tadalafil is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and symptoms of an enlarged prostate. While they have separate functions, here are 20 potential benefits associated with each:






Benefits of Oxytocin:


  1. Enhanced Social Bonding: Oxytocin is often referred to as the "bonding hormone" due to its role in promoting social connections and attachment.

  2. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Oxytocin has been shown to have calming effects, reducing stress and anxiety levels in various situations.

  3. Improved Mood: Oxytocin can contribute to feelings of happiness and well-being.

  4. Increased Trust: Oxytocin has been linked to increased trust and cooperation in social interactions.

  5. Strengthened Parent-Child Bond: Oxytocin plays a vital role in promoting maternal bonding and attachment between parents and infants.

  6. Positive Effects on Relationships: Oxytocin can foster intimacy, trust, and emotional connection in romantic relationships.

  7. Potential Pain Relief: Oxytocin may have pain-reducing properties, potentially alleviating discomfort in certain situations.

  8. Better Sleep: Oxytocin has been associated with improved sleep quality and reduced sleep disturbances.

  9. Reduced Fear Response: Oxytocin has shown potential in reducing fear and anxiety responses in various contexts.

  10. Improved Social Skills: Oxytocin may enhance social cognition and improve the ability to interpret social cues and emotions.


Benefits of Tadalafil (Cialis):


  1. Improved Erectile Function: Tadalafil is primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction by enhancing blood flow to the penis, resulting in improved erections.

  2. Increased Sexual Performance: Tadalafil can help improve sexual performance and satisfaction by facilitating stronger and more sustainable erections.

  3. Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Tadalafil is also prescribed to alleviate symptoms of an enlarged prostate, such as frequent urination or difficulty urinating.

  4. Lowered Blood Pressure: Tadalafil has been found to have a modest effect on reducing blood pressure, which may benefit individuals with hypertension.

  5. Enhanced Exercise Performance: Tadalafil has been studied for its potential to improve exercise capacity and performance by increasing blood flow to muscles.

  6. Improved Pulmonary Function: Tadalafil is used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension, a condition characterized by high blood pressure in the lungs.

  7. Potential Cardiovascular Protection: Tadalafil may have cardiovascular benefits, including improved endothelial function and reduced inflammation.

  8. Management of Raynaud's Phenomenon: Tadalafil has shown promise in alleviating symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon, a condition that causes blood vessel spasms in the fingers and toes.

  9. Potential Treatment for Altitude Sickness: Tadalafil has been studied for its potential to prevent altitude sickness by improving blood oxygenation.

  10. Positive Effects on Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that Tadalafil may have neuroprotective effects and could potentially improve cognitive function.


It's important to note that the use of these medications should be discussed with a healthcare professional, as individual responses and potential side effects may vary. Additionally, combining these medications should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional and with appropriate medical supervision.


Oxytocin is primarily known for its role in promoting social bonding, trust, and maternal-infant attachment. While it does not directly release other hormones like serotonin or dopamine, oxytocin can modulate the activity of various neurotransmitter systems in the brain, which may indirectly influence mood and emotional well-being. Here's how oxytocin affects these systems:

  1. Serotonin: Oxytocin can enhance the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation. Serotonin is often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter because it contributes to feelings of happiness and well-being. By increasing serotonin levels, oxytocin can potentially have positive effects on mood.

  2. Dopamine: Oxytocin can indirectly affect dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation. Some studies suggest that oxytocin can modulate dopamine release in certain brain regions, which may contribute to its effects on social bonding and positive social interactions.

  3. Stress hormones: Oxytocin has the ability to reduce the release of stress hormones such as cortisol. When oxytocin is released, it can counteract the effects of stress by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. This can have an overall positive impact on mood and emotional well-being.

It's important to note that the precise mechanisms through which oxytocin influences these neurotransmitter systems and mood regulation are still being studied, and the effects of oxytocin can vary depending on individual factors and context. Additionally, oxytocin's effects on mood are complex and may be influenced by other factors such as individual differences, social environment, and mental health conditions.


The Ultimate Guide to Tadalafil


What Is Tadalafil?

Tadalafil, popularly known as Cialis®, is a drug commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Chemically, tadalafil is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PDE5 inhibitor). It acts as a vasodilator, by relaxing the smooth muscles of the penis, and it increases blood flow. As a result, it helps its users achieve stronger, longer-lasting erections.

In addition to increasing erection strength and duration, tadalafil has been used to treat other medical conditions, such as pulmonary arterial hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Erectile dysfunction is a major problem around the world, with estimates suggesting that it affects around 1 in 5 men worldwide.

“Although erectile dysfunction is a benign disorder, it can affect physical and psychosocial health and may have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and their partners,” wrote scientists.

Evidence suggests that tadalafil not only improves outcomes in men with erectile dysfunction, but that it also helps men gain greater confidence and psychological well-being when it comes to their sexual health.

Furthermore, tadalafil has been demonstrated to offer benefits beyond sexual. Read on to learn more.


Why Do You Need To Know About Tadalafil

Tadalafil is one of the most popular and well-researched drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. It has been prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction since 2003.

A quick search of “erectile dysfunction” and “tadalafil” or “Cialis®” on academic search engines yields hundreds of results. This means that this drug has been studied by hundreds of scientists over the last few decades.

“Tadalafil . . . is effective from 30 minutes after administration and its efficacy is maintained for up to 36 hours,” wrote scientists. “It is administered [when needed] with doses of 10 mg and 20 mg. More recently, it is also given [on demand] in a lower dose to allow spontaneous, rather than scheduled, sexual activities.”

A team of researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies published concerning the use of tadalafil in erectile dysfunction. They filtered through hundreds of studies in order to get a broad sense of how well tadalafil performs in helping men with erectile dysfunction.

Their conclusion? “Tadalafil . . . has been shown to exhibit comparable efficacy, safety and satisfaction for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and tadalafil dramatically improved the psychological outcomes.”

Hence, if you are a man struggling with erectile dysfunction, tadalafil is one of the safest and most effective drugs you can get on the market, subject to approval by a licensed physician.

Don’t have erectile dysfunction? Men able to attain healthy erections can benefit from tadalafil as well. With the right dosage sexual performance can be optimized for most men.



Benefits of Tadalafil

The main benefit of tadalafil regarding erectile dysfunction is that it has been extensively studied and proven to be generally safe and effective

Scientists who studied the efficacy of tadalafil reported that just 4 weeks on this medication achieved a total effectiveness rate of 85.9% among men. In addition, men who were on tadalafil also reported experiencing greater enjoyment in their sex life and having more frequent sexual intercourse.

In addition, studies have demonstrated that serum testosterone levels rose in men who received daily tadalafil at 20 mg for 9 months.

Another key benefit of tadalafil is that it not only increases sexual pleasure for the patient, but also for his partner. Studies have demonstrated that partners of men treated with tadalafil are more likely to report feelings of sexual satisfaction.

Also, men who have been prescribed tadalafil for sexual dysfunction reported positive changes in their self-esteem and confidence.

“It is clear from numerous high-quality studies that tadalafil as a daily dose is highly efficacious in the management of erectile dysfunction from a variety of causes,” concluded scientists. “It is also clear that daily dose of tadalafil will have a beneficial effect on the sexual relationship between partners.”

The benefits of tadalafil and improved blood flow go beyond sexual health.

study treating men with 5 mg tadalafil daily found not only improvements in erections (as captured by IIEF score), but significant improvements in cognitive metrics: attention, abstraction, memory, orientation, and language.

second study, also using 5 mg tadalafil, observed cognitive improvements in mental processing speed and attention. This study also observed a reduction in peripheral proinflammatory interleukins.

Improvements in lean mass content in non-obese men has also been observed with daily use of 5 mg tadalafil. The researchers believe that reduced estradiol, improved endothelial function, and enhanced insulation secretion are responsible.


Side Effects of Tadalafil

Tadalafil is generally well-tolerated by patients who are prescribed the medication.

“Our study reveals daily administration of tadalafil 5mg is efficacious and well tolerated in the treatment of erectile dysfunction patients over 12 weeks who took tadalafil 5mg once-daily,” wrote a team of scientists.

However, like all medications, some patients taking tadalafil may experience unwanted side effects.

Scientists reported that the most common side effects of tadalafil when taken daily at a dose between 2.5 mg and 20 mg are:


  • Headache (1%-14%)

  • Dizziness (1%-4%)

  • Back pain (2%-11%)

  • Dyspepsia (1%-11%)

  • Facial flushing (7%-8%)

  • Myalgia (1%-5%)

  • Nasal congestion (6%-7%)

“Side effects from daily dose tadalafil in clinical trials have generally been mild, with 54%–80% of reported events mild in nature and with no more than a third of events moderate in severity,” wrote scientists

If you are taking tadalafil and experience any of these side effects, speak to a qualified physician as soon as you can.


Tadalafil vs Sildenafil

Tadalafil, otherwise known as Cialis®, is often compared to sildenafil, otherwise known as Viagra®. Both drugs are often prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction.

Tadalafil and sildenafil are both phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors). This means that they both work by relaxing the smooth muscles of the penis and increasing blood flow to it. This allows you to get stronger erections that last longer.

Sildenafil was introduced in 1998, while tadalafil was introduced in 2003. This means that sildenafil was the first medication of its kind before the introduction of tadalafil.

Tadalafil has an onset of 20 minutes, while sildenafil has an onset of 30 minutes. Tadalafil can last for a maximum duration of 72 hours, while sildenafil has a maximum duration of 12 hours. The mean half-life of tadalafil is 17.5 hours, while the mean half-life of sildenafil is around 4 hours.

While sildenafil is effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, around 20% to 50% of patients discontinue using it, some switching to tadalafil instead.

Interestingly, a study found that 79% of female partners preferred their male partners to use tadalafil compared to sildenafil, “citing a more relaxed approach to sexual intimacy and greater flexibility with respect to timing of intercourse.”

“We found that the majority of the patients and their partners preferred tadalafil over sildenafil,” wrote scientists. “The different pharmacokinetic profiles of tadalafil and sildenafil profiles grant patients more freedom to perform sexual intercourse with less need to plan ahead.”

In summary, the main differences between these two drugs are their onset time, half-life, and maximum duration. They remain very similar chemically and are both prescribed by physicians to treat erectile dysfunction.


Dosages of Cialis®

Tadalafil, otherwise known as Cialis®, is prescribed at different doses for different medical problems.

For erectile dysfunction, tadalafil tablets are available in doses of 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg.

“The recommended dose for erectile dysfunction is 10 mg as a single dose as needed approximately one hour before sexual activity,” wrote scientists. “The dose can be increased or decreased based upon effect and tolerance, with a recommended maximum frequency of once daily and maximum dosage of 20 mg.”

Tadalafil can also be prescribed as a daily medication, usually at a dose of 2.5 mg or 5 mg. Scientists who study the data on this reported that “men treated with tadalafil had significant changes in erectile function, confidence, self-esteem, overall relationship, and partner’s satisfaction.” The aforementioned studies demonstrating improvements in cognitive function and lean mass on tadalafil used daily 5 mg doses.

The best way to decide which dose of tadalafil you should be on is to speak to a licensed physician who specializes in urology and men’s health. This is the safest way to ensure that you are getting the right drug at the right dose.

Maximus offers telemedicine services in which you can book a doctor’s consultation that is conducted online. If prescribed, your drugs can be mailed straight to your doorstep.


Source: Pexels / Mateus Souza


Tadalafil and Bremelanotide

Tadalafil (also known as Cialis©) and bremelanotide (also known as PT-141) are both drugs used to treat male sexual dysfunction. However, they achieve this in different ways.

Tadalafil works by enhancing blood flow to the penis. This allows you to maintain a strong erection when you’re ready for sexual intercourse. Think about this way: tadalafil makes sure that the plumbing surrounding your penis is clear. That way, when you are sexually aroused, blood flow to the penis is no longer impeded, allowing you to hold and maintain an erection.

Bremelanotide works in a slightly different way. It acts on the central nervous system to stimulate greater sexual desire and boosts your sexual performance. That way, your senses are heightened during sexual intercourse. The end result is the same: stronger erections for longer, and a more satisfying experience of sex.

Although these medications work differently, they can also be used together for their synergistic properties. That way, you are enhancing your sexual desire and performance simultaneously, allowing you to enjoy sex in a wonderful new way.




Tadalafil for Cognitive Enhancement: Exploring the Potential Brain-Boosting Benefits



Since its introduction in 2003, tadalafil has become one of the most popular erectile dysfunction medications. Similar to drugs like Viagra (sildenafil) and Levitra (vardenafil), tadalafil has vasodilating effects, which means it widens the blood vessels to support better blood flow. But emerging research has shown the drug does not just improve blood flow to the penis. It can also increase blood flow to the brain, resulting in enhanced cognitive function like better memory and attention, while also lowering the risk of chronic conditions like dementia.

Read on to find out how tadalafil works, what research has revealed about the drug’s effects on cognition, and how to safely integrate the medication into your routine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tadalafil is a PDE5 inhibitor, which helps to improve blood flow to your brain for enhanced cognitive function.

  • Taking tadalafil may improve memory, enhance learning, lift your mood, and even protect against cognitive decline.

  • The best starting dosage of tadalafil is 2.5-5 mg, but always consult a healthcare professional first for personal safety precautions based on your medical history.

What is tadalafil?

Some of medicine’s most important discoveries–from penicillin to the birth control pill–were discovered accidentally. The story is no different for erectile dysfunction drugs. Both tadalafil and its popular counterparts sildenafil and vardenafil belong to a class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. Intended to treat high blood pressure and angina, PDE5 inhibitors work by blocking the breakdown of a messenger molecule called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which leads to the relaxation of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow.

However, in the first clinical studies of PDE5 inhibitors, a nurse noted that when she went to check on men enrolled in the study, many of them were lying on their stomachs as if they were hiding something. They were hiding something: erections. The blood vessels the doctors intended to dilate in the heart were dilating in the penis, an unexpected and soon-to-be revolutionary side effect. Thus, Viagra was born, paving the way for other PDE5 inhibitors like tadalafil.

The main difference between tadalafil and sildenafil is that tadalafil has a longer half-life of around 17.5 hours, as opposed to sildenafil’s half-life of 4 hours. Men with ED tend to prefer the longer half-life if they have a more active or regular sex life because the drug allows for more spontaneity. Sildenafil, on the other hand, should be taken around an hour before having sex in order for it to work.

Tadalafil and cognitive function

Beyond its ability to help men have erections, another surprising discovery about tadalafil is its brain-boosting effects. Both erectile dysfunction and cognitive impairment have been linked to inflammation, and this 2019 study found that because the drug was able to cross the blood-brain barrier and reduce inflammation, it may improve erections and cognition. In addition to its anti-inflammatory activity, tadalafil also promotes increases of cGMP in cortical neurons, which is said to “restore learning capacity” in animal studies by affecting attention-related processes.

Even a low dose of tadalafil is sufficient for cognitive enhancement, according to this study in patients with erectile dysfunction and mild cognitive impairment. In males aged 50-75, daily use of tadalafil 5 mg increased blood flow to the postcentral gyrus, precuneus, and brainstem, prompting a “significant” improvement in cognitive function over just 8 weeks. The study also cites earlier research that found PDE5 inhibitors may arouse emotions, not just improving cognitive function, but also depressive states.

How tadalafil works

In addition to enhancing cognition by reducing inflammation as the above 2019 study found, researchers hypothesize that PDE5 inhibitors like tadalafil also improve cognitive function through increased cerebral blood flow. After all, MRI studies have demonstrated that individuals with mild cognitive impairment experience reduced cerebral blood flow, providing valuable diagnostic information. Hence, using a drug like tadalafil proven to improve vascular dysfunction through vasodilation and cross the blood-brain barrier, could be a game-changer in enhancing cognitive function.

There is also evidence that tadalafil increases cell survival in different brain tissues. In this 2009 animal study, tadalafil improved cognition by suppressing neuronal cell death in the hippocampal CA1 region part of the brain caused by ischemia, or restricted blood flow to the brain. This mechanism of action had neuroprotective effects, facilitating recovery following brain injury while improving short-term memory.

These neuroprotective effects may also be attributed to tadalafil’s impact on neurotransmitter activity, specifically dopamine. This 2013 study found that impairment of dopamine function, which is one of the main problems associated with cerebral ischemia, is known to have major effects on behaviors and cognition. Tadalafil administration was shown to increase dopamine D2 receptor expression in the striatum and substantia nigra regions of the brain, thus improving cognitive impairment caused by ischemia.

And when compared to other PDE5 inhibitors like sildenafil, tadalafil shines. This is especially true when it comes to memory impairment. Research has shown that tadalafil reduces oxidative stress in the hippocampus part of the brain, which may be responsible for memory enhancement. And because of its longer half-life and proven safety, researchers have called tadalafil “a promising approach for the chronic treatment of cognitive disorders.”

Safety and precautions

Tadalafil is generally safe and well tolerated with minimal side effects that rarely lead to discontinuation. These include mild headache, heartburn, muscle aches, and in some cases, dizziness. This medication may have contraindications with nitrates, which are often prescribed for chest pain (angina), and should not be used by individuals who have or have had heart problems in the past. The best starting dosage of tadalafil is 2.5-5 mg, but always consult a healthcare professional first for personal safety precautions based on your medical history.

If you’re taking this medication for cognitive enhancement, it’s also worth noting that the medication will not cause spontaneous erections. Sexual stimulation is still required for the medication to induce an erection.


The bottom line: Tadalafil is a brain-boosting supplement for better focus, enhanced memory, and a more positive mood.


While more research is still needed to understand tadalafil’s potential benefits on cognition, the findings thus far have been promising. This is especially true if you’re prone to powering through the day with caffeine, a stimulant also proven to increase activity in your body and brain, but not without sending you into an energy crash shortly afterward. With its long-lasting effects and safety profile, tadalafil has no such energy crash.

If you’re curious about how tadalafil can help unlock our brain’s potential, consider our Cognitive Enhancement Protocol, which combines tadalafil with vardenafil, another PDE5 inhibitor with vasodilating effects. With a shorter half-life, vardenafil ensures our the medication works quickly–in as little as 15 minutes. When taken before an event that demands sharp mental performance, like an exam or interview, the Cognitive Enhancement Protocol will ensure you’ll be at the top of your game and stay there all day.


Tadalafil for Pre-Workout: Unlocking Muscle Growth and Improved Gym Performance



Like its famous cousin Viagra, tadalafil belongs to a class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase (PDE5) inhibitors, which are primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). These medications work as vasodilators; they help relax muscle tissues in the body to prompt better blood flow. While tadalafil is highly effective in helping users get and maintain erections with sexual stimulation, recent research shows its blood-pumping effects may also help improve your muscle pumps and gains at the gym.

Find out how to use tadalafil for muscle growth, how it works, and why you should take it before your workout to see the best results.

Key takeaways:

  • Tadalafil is a PDE5 inhibitor, which helps to improve blood flow to your muscles for accelerated growth and faster workout recovery.

  • Taking tadalafil before a workout leads to better pumps and gains, less muscle pain and inflammation, and a lowered risk of cardiovascular events.

  • The best starting dosage of tadalafil is 2.5-5 mg, but always consult a healthcare professional first before taking this medication.

Tadalafil as a pre-workout supplement

In the same way that it improves blood flow to the penis, tadalafil improves blood flow to your muscles, which is advantageous to athletes and bodybuilders. Improved blood flow supplies the muscle with nutrients and oxygen, which also leads to a temporary boost in size and vascularity, helping to accelerate long-term growth. While physical activity on its own increases blood flow, a medication like tadalafil helps you double down your efforts for more satisfying pumps and gains.

When taken before a workout, tadalafil also helps modulate your endocrine system and change the way your body responds to exercise. In one randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, men who took tadalafil had higher levels of testosterone and cortisol following exercise, a hormonal combination which helps the body adapt to exercise and essentially become fitter. Meanwhile, men who took the placebo only had higher levels of cortisol.

And in this study on patients with congestive heart failure, inhibiting PDE5 improved their exercise performance, which had previously been limited due to an inadequate rise in cardiac output and a fixed capacity to dilate the skeletal muscle vasculature. There is also evidence that tadalafil improves the testosterone/estradiol ratio, which may have a protective effect on skeletal muscle functions. And by improving insulin sensitivity, the medication helps to stimulate adipocytes, or fat cells, consequently reducing abdominal fat mass.

The science behind tadalafil's potential muscle growth benefits

Beyond increasing blood flow for better pumps and helping you become fitter and leaner, there are numerous studies that support tadalafil muscle growth potential. In this 2013 study, PDE5 inhibition increased muscle protein synthesis and reduced muscle fatigue, suggesting a potential benefit for athletic performance and muscle growth. Researchers also noted that the approximate doubling of skeletal muscle protein synthesis observed in response to a PDE5 inhibitor is similar to that observed in response to 100–200 mg/week testosterone injection, a treatment which increases skeletal muscle mass and strength, but does not reduce muscle fatigability.

Though the muscle growth seen with PDE5 inhibition is similar to what you would see with anabolic steroids, there is a significant difference when it comes to side effects. Side effects of steroid shots include breast growth, enlarged prostate, testicular shrinkage, acne, aggression, and infertility, none of which are found with tadalafil use.

In another 2017 study, tadalafil improved lean mass, leading to a reduced waist circumference. It was hypothesized that this improvement was due to enhanced insulin secretion, estradiol reduction, and an overall improvement of endothelial function.

Tadalafil's effects on muscle pain and recovery

With a long half-life of around 17.5 hours, tadalafil is highly beneficial for post-workout recovery. The medication is proven to improve inflammation while inhibiting oxidative and nitrosative stress, all contributing factors to muscle pain and soreness after exercise.

PDE5 inhibition may also reduce arterial stiffness during the recovery period after exercise when compared to placebo. This reduction has beneficial effects on exercise tolerance and is known to decrease cardiovascular risk. Even more, tadalafil has also been shown to lower systolic blood pressure during and after exercise, further lowering the risk for cardiovascular events prompted by exercise.
In another 2019 study, researchers looked at the effects of PDE5 inhibition on dystrophic muscle following an acute bout of downhill running and endurance training. They found that PDE5 inhibition reduced muscle damage following exercise. Additionally, PDE5 inhibition also resulted in greater training volume over 4 weeks, improved endurance performance, and enhanced microvascular function, both improving muscle performance and potentially slowing disease progression in dystrophic muscle.

How to use tadalafil for gym performance and safety considerations

Before using tadalafil for gym performance and muscle growth, it is important to consult a healthcare professional to ensure the medication is right for you.

The beginning dosage is typically 2.5-5mg and may be used in combination with other PDE5 inhibitors like vardenafil, which has a shorter half-life than tadalafil. Because vardenafil’s vasodilating effects occur quickly, combining it with tadalafil before hitting the gym will ensure your workout and post-workout recovery are as advantageous as possible.















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